Economic Policy Analysis (EPA)


E-Learning: FWW25
Module Handbooks
Class Schedules


Faculty Introduction 24/25 WiSe
EPA Introduction 24/25 WiSe
EPA Introduction 23/24 WiSe


Study & Exam Regulations (SPO) 2024  students enrolled from 10/2024
Program Structure
ASPO - Allgemeine (Master) Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
sSPO - Spezielle (EPA) Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
English, ASPO  - Study & Exam Regulations Master

English, sSPO  - Study & Exam Regulation EPA


Study & Exam Regulations (SPO) 2020
Program Structure  
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 2020
Study and Exam Regulation, English
SPO 2020 Changes valid by 10/2024


Enrollment- SPO 2017:
Program Structure
Studien- und  Prüfungsordnung (in German only)


Please note the following rule for presentation downloads, and translations:
No guarantee is taken for any mistakes or changes. The German version of the study documents is always legally binding. All study documents are available on the OVGU website.

Last Modification: 06.03.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster