Students' Support, Advice & Contacts

'Good to Know' Facts

Only contact one OVGU office/university staff member at a time. Your question(s) and/or concern(s) will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel if you have not reached the befitting contact person. Enrolled students may only contact OVGU staff via their OVGU student email account, and always include your student ID number, the semester you are in, and the name of your study program. Please observe the formal rules for contacting lecturers and staff. No chatting via email, please. No CC-ing and BC-ing, as this can delay your reply quite a bit. All emails sent out from the OVGU email account will be answered in a timely fashion. Please count on 1 week for an answer. Urgent matters? Make use of the office hours. Thank you for your cooperation!


Please note that each faculty has its own offices, such as Examination Office, Dean's Offices, etc.


For example: Dear Prof./Dr. ..., I would like to apply ...


Sincerely yours,

then include: Name, Student ID number, Study program, Semester, ...

Attach: evidence, documents, ...

OVGU has an open ear for you.


Review the list of FEM and OVGU contacts here on the tab pages and get in touch if you need assistance. Please keep your personal appointments or cancel them in time to make sure another student can make use of them. Be on the lookout for the office hours of each respective department/office.

German universities, including OVGU and its faculties, administer and adhere to strict deadlines. There are deadlines to register for various types of seminars, scientific projects, exams, recognition of previously earned credits, re-registration for each semester, and more. There are no exceptions if deadlines are not met.


Students are expected to work independently and find the information they need on their own, using the resources provided on the OVGU websites and various platforms in order to find them.


Students should read their study and exam program regulations (also known as SPO, English courtesy translations can be found on our website in the Documents section) in order to find out how their study program is run, and which formalities and procedures students must observe and adhere to in order to successfully complete their studies.

With regards to compulsory modules, students have three attempts total in order to successfully pass each respective compulsory module.


After failing a compulsory module for a third and final time, students are no longer able to continue their study program and must either apply for a study program change (if available and requirements are met) or continue their studies at another higher-learning institution. 


We urge students to take their studies seriously and wish them all the best with their exams!


Take advantage of memory protocols offered by the Faculty Student Council (FaraWiwi, see below) in order to prepare to the best of your ability, and take part in the SIMP-SON study groups and study with your classmates!


After receiving your failed exam grade, contact us for a consultation via email.


What is a compulsory module? Kindly review the academic orientation presentations via the Documents section.

The elections for the student bodies take place at OVGU every year in the summer semester. During specified times, designated by the election office, you elect your representatives for the OVGU student council, your faculty student council, your faculty council, and the OVGU senate. This is your opportunity to have a say in, who represents your interests towards the university, the faculty or even the environment of the university. Of course, you can also get involved there yourself and contribute your opinion to the respective committees by running for election!

The Faculty Council is the most important committee of the faculty. It is comprised of professors, scientific staff, equal opportunity representatives, two students, and various advisory members. The Senate is the highest decision-making institution at the university. It decides on all matters of the university for which no other authority is designated. Four student representatives and one advisory member can be delegated to the Senate. In addition, there are various senate commissions to which student representatives are elected.

Get involved and make a difference!

In order to receive housing on campus, students are required to fill out an application and submit it to the Student Union (Studentenwerk) six weeks in advance, even if you do not yet have an admission confirmation. Students do not automatically receive housing upon matriculation.

Students who arrive without securing housing beforehand will have to get a hotel or hostel and can expect to pay several hundred euros.

Student Union Dormitory Information

Inform us about your concerns, complains, facts of discriminations. We will help you out.

Chek out the AWARENESS PORTAL today.

OVGU Contacts

Responsible for collective administrative matters, such as enrollment, issuing student ID cards, enrollment documents, confirmation of studies, students’ re-registration each semester, the OVGU family pass, and much more.


Check out the Campus Service Center website for student services and contacts.
However, always visit www.myovgu.ovgu.debeforehand, as many services are automated and available for you 24/7.

Campus Service Center Homepage

Responsible for coordinating the core international competencies of OVGU, such as international mobility, the coordination of international relations, and advising OVGU's international students.


The international office deals with matters such as visa issues, organization of study abroad affairs, scholarships for students with exceptional academic and social achievements at OVGU, as well as advising German and International students.


Be informed: The FEM is the only school at OVGU that has a separate International Office, because of the high number of international students at FEM. However, in the case of visa matters, you must contact the OVGU International Office


International Office Homepage

The Student Union (Studentenwerk) provides a wide range of services for all students enrolled at OVGU. From dormitory housing to managing the mensa (cafeteria), financing your studies, as well as providing counseling for social and academic matters, and last but not least, hosting various cultural events, the student union has you covered!

Studentenwerk Magdeburg Website

PSB is part of the Studentenwerk and offers guidance, and support for students going through hard times, be it personally, socially, or academically. Schedule an appointment with PSB to speak with PSB staff, or visit them during their office hours.


Workshops and counseling for organizing studies, preparing for an examination, difficult personal situations, finally failed examinations, and financial problems are offered regularly in English and German language.


Ask for an appointment via email and the staff will contact you as soon as possible.

PSB Homepage

The student council (Studierendenrat) consists of 15 students who are elected each year by the student body of the entire university. A portion of your semester fee (€11.50 of €129.90) goes directly to the student council then disperses these funds to the faculty-student councils of each faculty, in addition to various student initiatives that may apply directly for funding from the student council.


Contact the student council regarding legal matters pertaining to academics, or submit an application to fund a student initiative. The student council provides a variety of services and support, also through their ‘departments’ (Referate). They also cover the cost of an initial legal advising consultation with a lawyer for all students.


Interested in joining the student council? Run for election! We need your involvement at OVGU a lot!

Student Council Homepage

The OVGU language department (Sprachenzentrum) offers several language courses, such as German, English, French, Russian, and many more. 


Find more information on their website, and register for language courses via their own Moodle platform. Observe their unique deadlines and requirements which may vary from FEM procedures.

Language Center Website

Language Center Moodle

The OVGU Sports Center (Sportzentrum) offers a broad variety of sports courses for OVGU students and staff.


Check out the long list of sport course offerings and sign up! The fees are very minimal, perfect for all students!


Keep the registration procedures and deadlines in mind! Places are limited and we encourage students to sign up as soon as possible to secure a spot!

OVGU Sport Center

OVGU has a wide range of various student clubs and initiatives which you are more than welcome to be part of! Please note that some club websites are currently only in German, however you are still more than welcome to join them!

Student Initiatives & Clubs

 Faculty of Economics & Management (FEM) Contacts

The Dean's of Study Affairs Office of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) is in charge of all matters concerning studies and teaching at our faculty (school).


This office is responsible for the coordination of studies and teaching, as well for organizing classes (modules), offering module handbooks, registration for Master's projects and seminars, bachelor thesis pre-registration issues, problems with master's thesis registrations, evaluations of lectures and seminars, the annual study program talks, etc., and student advising, especially for German study programs at FEM. Contact the Dean’s Office of Study affairs, for example, regarding seminar matters, including registration, organizing teaching staff, and the faculty’s study programs for which German is the language of instruction.


Join the Dean's Office of Study Affairs' info section on E-Learning to receive updates regarding deadlines, seminars, etc. via email. "Summer/Winter Semester Plan" for each semester can be found on the main page of the FWW/FEM section for each semester. Please note that you must enroll yourself manually every semester in order to receive updates and access information.



Registering for various seminars, scientific projects, and bachelor's thesis is carried out via E-Learning during certain periods with strict deadlines under the Dean's Office of Study Affairs section.

Dean's Office of Study Affairs Homepage

Responsible for all matters regarding exams, such as the official registration to examinations + seminars, and the organization of all exams. Find the exam schedule, lists of graded exams, various forms, registration deadlines, and academic calendar such as applying for recognition of previous credits and credits from a semester abroad stay, and much more on their website.


Students should contact the examination office, for example, if students are having problems with registering for exams, would like to change study programs, or submit an official objection to the examination board to dispute a grade/exam issue/result.

Head of Examination Office:

Office Contact:

Examination Office Homepage

Responsible for the development of the faculty’s study programs, guiding students, and answering questions regarding all subject-related matters during your duration of studies.

FEM Study Program Directors

Students’ International Mentoring Program & Social Organizational Network


The network is a group of students of the faculty mostly studying in the English study programs at our school.
We focus on international networking events and cultural exchange at our school and offer an exclusive friendship and buddy program for all new students of FEM.
Learn more about us and our philosophy SIMP-SON Homepage

 Follow us on Instagram

FaraWiwi (Fachschaftsrat für Wirtschaftwissenschaft) consists of students of FEM who organize various student initiatives primarily in German, such as evening events during the orientation week (O-Woche), provides funding for matters which benefit the student body, provides assistance to students, as well as memory protocols of past exams.


Contact FaraWiwi regarding their events, if you are in need of student assistance, would like to rent items, or would like to submit an application to receive funding for your student initiative. Joining FaraWiwi is a great opportunity to improve your German language skills!

FaraWiwi Homepage(German only)

 FEM Office of International Affairs (International Study Programs)

The Office of International Affairs + ISP was established in 1996 right with the start of the English study programs at our school. The ISP Office is in charge of the International Study Programs (ISP) of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM).  Contact: Coordinator


This office and its staff encompass all of the faculty’s degree programs for which the language of instruction is English exclusively. These include the bachelor program IBE, and the master programs EPAFINECORBA, and IMME


The Office of International Affairs, overseen by the international coordinator, facilitates all students belonging to English taught study programes at FEM (ISP), regarding academic, counseling, and social matters, as well as answering questions and assisting prospective students. Furthermore, the ISP Office is coordinating all applications, study program matters and international affairs issues at the school, including the study abroad counseling for studentns. It is home to the FEM-exclusive SIMP-SON buddy program, to support and develop further international exchange and networking at our school.

Contact us first, and we will forward your email to the appropriate contact if we are not able to assist you. However, always review OVGU webpages prior to contacting, as information provided online generally answers most questions. We serve you too via Instagram: ispofficeovgu


Last Modification: 15.02.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster