EPA at a Glance

1. Enjoy a Unique Learning Experience

Dive into a one-of-a-kind, research-oriented master’s program in Economic Policy Analysis. This program empowers students to independently tackle intricate economic challenges using both theoretical and empirical methodologies. Stand out with a distinct skill set that’s in high demand in the global economic landscape.

2. Take Advantage of Pioneering Research

With its Center of Evidence-Based Policy Analysis (CEPA), its MaXLab Laboratory for Economic Research, and its close ties to the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is a first-class hub for economic research. By joining this program, students can engage with leading experts in different fields and learn and benefit first-hand from their research. Department website

3. Learn the Toolbox of Economic Researchers and Experts

The curriculum is designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of economic policies in diverse areas like trade, labor, environment, financial, and social policy. Students will master evidence-based policy analysis techniques and learn behavioral economic methods, including hands-on laboratory experiments.

Study Program: Economics Policy Analysis
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Duration: 4 semesters, full-time study program

English & up to 4 modules in German may be taken

Type: Research, strong theoretical orientation

Currently about 15 students from ca. 5 countries

Internationality: Mix of lecturers, the content of modules, study abroad options
Tuition: Subsidized by the German government for all students
Admission: Documents + Requirements
Special requirements:

English Language Level C1

GPA: from 1.0 up to 2.9 only (German grading scale)
Modules: Overview of classes: Program Structure
Credits: ECTS 120, including master's thesis
Regulations: Study- and Examination Regulations
Begin: Winter semester only (October)
Internships: Not integrated in the study program
Accreditation: OVGU self accrediation; study program talks annually

This research-oriented master's program conveys the necessary skills for students to analyze complex economic problems, issues, and policy solutions on their own, with the help of advanced empirical methods, analytical research skills, and theoretical models.

The policy-oriented program focuses on theoretical and empirical analyses of economic policy measures in different areas, such as trade, the environment, the labor market, and social policy. Tools studied and applied for this purpose include both traditional theoretical analyses, advanced empirical methods for evidence-based policy analysis, and behavioral economic analyses, such as laboratory experiments.

Check out too, our new master's program in "M. Sc. International Taxation and Public Finance".
Get a brief overview of the English international master's programs.

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