Program Structure & Course Descriptions

The Economic Policy Analysis (EPA) program is a research-oriented master's which conveys the skills for students to analyze complex economic problems, issues, and policy solutions with using advanced empirical methods, analytical research skills, and theoretical models.


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Compulsory Modules

In Econometrics students build upon already established knowledge of fundamental econometric methods, learn about concepts of modern microeconometric methods during lectures, and independently become acquainted with state-of-the art methodology by studying the recommended literature, are able to use STATA to work problem, and goal-oriented and analyze real world problems independently

Contents include: Regression fundamentals and identification - Instrumental Variables - Panel data - Nonstandard standard error issues - Limited dependent variables and probability models - Advanced methods like difference-in-difference and regression discontinuity design

With Microeconomic Analysis, EPA students acquire an analytical understanding of the determinants of individual decisions, develop a thorough understanding of the consequences of decentralized decision-making for individual and firm behavior in partial equilibrium models, and analyze the existence, stability and efficiency properties of general equilibria.

Contents include: Preference Relations and Utility Functions - Duality - Uncertainty - Production Technology and Profit Maximization - Cost Minimization and Cost Functions - General Equilibrium Analysis and Welfare

In the module Macroeconomic Analysis students acquire knowledge of the empirics of growth and business cycles, develop a thorough understanding of the basic models of economic growth, be able to identify the sources and amplifiers of aggregate fluctuations, and are empowered to study macroeconomic models independently and self-reliantly.

Contents include: Empirical evidence on long-run growth - Growth theory with exogenous technical progress - Long-run unemployment - Empirical evidence on business cycles - Consumption theory - Asset Pricing and investment - Monetary Policy

Compulsory Elective Modules

Previous compulsory elective modules in specialization have included:

Advanced Game Theory

Econometric Analysis of Experimental Data

Evidence-Based Policy Analysis

Experiments in Behavioral Social Policy

Financial Stability and Banking Regulation

Industrieökonomik I & II

International Trade

Introduction to Experiment Design with zTree

Methoden der experimentellen Wirtschaftsforschung

Monetary Economics

Population and Family Economics

Pricing in Global and Local Competition

Taxation and Corporate Finance


For complete overviews and module descriptions, please review the Module Handbook which is published shortly before the respective semester start.

... the description will be published soon as the module handbook is available.

Supplement Modules

Previous supplement modules have included:


Besteuerung von Umwandlungen

Bargaining, Arbitration, Mediation

Behavioral Finance

Corporate Governance, Compliance und Konzernrecht

Das Recht der Unternehmensfinanzierung und das Kapitalmarktrecht

Dezentrale Unternehmenssteuerung

Downside Risk

Experiments in Behavioral Social Policy

Financial Engineering

Foundations for Finance

Grundzüge der Abgabenordnung und des Erbschafts- und Schenkungsrechts

International Taxation

Internationale Besteuerung: Transferpreise, Wegzugs- und Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung

Introduction to Experiment Design with zTree

Investition und Finanzierung III: Engineering Economics

Modelling and Solving Optimization Problems

Pricing in Global and Local Competition

Steuerplanung, Rechtsform und Finanzierung

Sustainability and Finance


For complete overviews and module descriptions, please review the Module Handbook which will be published shortly before the respective semester start.

Master's Seminars

Previous master's seminars have included:


Applications and Implication of Behavioral Science in Management and Economics

Education Economics

Experimental Health Economics

Field Experiments

Fintechts and Digitalization of Banking

Machine Learning in Economics and Finance

Robots at Work: Economic Effects of Automation

Seminar zur Empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung

Seminar: aktuelle Herausforderungen moderner Volkswirtschaften

Seminar: Verhaltensökonomische Erklärungen von Fake News, Verschwörungstheorien und verzerrter Information

Taxation and Business Activity

The Economics of Too Big to Fail

Quality of Life in Europe: Are More Equal Societies Better?


 For complete overviews and module descriptions, please review the Module Handbook of each respective semester.

Study Abroad

Although a semester abroad is not mandatory, the Faculty of Economics and Management highly recommends that students take advantage of a semester abroad at one of our many cooperation universities worldwide. Students interested in going abroad must begin the application procedure one year (two semesters) in advance (e.g. third semester abroad; consultation and application in first semester).


For a complete overview of our cooperation schools, please click here and filter your search according to faculty and study program.


For more information on different programs, such as ERASMUSFree Mover, and WORLDWIDE, please click here

Besides the possibility of a study-abroad semester at one of our cooperation schools, students may also do an internship abroad for one semester.
Student counseling and internship/job fair (annually in October) on campus available

For more information regarding an internship abroad, please click here.

Final Seminar & Master's Thesis

During the seminar, EPA students shall develop the ability to find and define a research project, gain insight in the planning and realization of an own research project, acquire the ability to write and present a research paper, and acquire the ability to academically discuss other students’ research.


In the course of this seminar, the students shall define and realize a research project, present the (preliminary) results of their research and write their Master’s Thesis. The thesis project may have a scientific or an applied research focus. Cooperation with firms or other organizations is possible. The module is organized as a research colloquium, where students have to present first results of their projects and discuss open questions.


For complete descriptions of these modules, review the Module Handbook of each respective semester.

Please note that module offerings may vary each semester; courses are offered at the discretion of the chairs.

Last Modification: 14.05.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster