B. Sc. International Business & Economics (SPO 2019)

Courtesy Translations of Study & Exam Regulations


IBE Overview
Program Structure
Module Handbooks
Class Schedules


Portal Links 2024 SoSe
LSF Portal  
E-Learning passcode: FWW24


Study & Exam Regulations (SPO):

Enrollment SPO 2019 (students enrolled 2019 & later)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
Study & Exam Regulations, English


Enrollment before 2019 / SPO 2015

Program Structure 

Studien/ Prüfungsordnung

Study & Exam Regulations, English

Satzungsänderung 05/2019
English Translation 05/2019

Satzungsänderung 07/2021
English Translation 07/2021


Expired Study Program SPO 2012

Studienordnung Study Regulations, Engl.

Prüfungsordnung Exam Regulations, Engl. 


Please note the following rule for presentation downloads, and translations:
No guarantee is taken for any mistakes or changes. The German version of the study documents is always legally binding. All study documents are available on the OVGU website.

Last Modification: 10.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster