IBE at a Glance

Study Program:

International Business and Economics (IBE)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Objectives: International, Economics & Business, analytical, quantitative methods, intercultural skills, languages
Start: Winter term
Duration: 6 semesters, full-time
Language: English exclusively! New: Up to four compulsory elctive modules can be taken in German.
Type: Theoretically, anaylytically (quantitative methods), international orientated
Schedules:  IBE schedules here
English Studies: Academic skills, Certificate Unicert IV Certificate (C2 level) 15 ECTS
2nd Language: Spanish, French, Italian, Portugese, and more ...  (10 ECTS)
Class: About 100 students, 80% internationals from 40 countries; 50% females (WiSe 2024/25)
Graduation: About 60 % students of a year
Modules: Program Structure, Module Descriptions
Credits: 180 Credit Points in ECTS, including a bachelor's thesis + final presentation
Internationality: Mix of students, lecturers, content of modules, Study Abroad Semesteroffered
Internship: Not integrated, but recommended; self organized; Career Service Center & Job Fair on Campus
Documents: Study and Examination Regulations
Admission: Academic Requirements
Language Skills:
English Requirements:Options
Tuition: Subsidized by the German goverment for all students.
Special: Study Program Counseling (ISP Office), CoMeT module included = ECTS for social engagement on campus
Mentoring: IBE mentoring + buddy program (SIMP-SON)
Study Abroad: Highly recommended and possible in the 5th semester Cooperation Overview; counseling offered
Introductions: Study program orientation during the first week in October (Einführungswoche/ Introduction Week)
Preperations: Mathematic prep-class -  registration required (August/September)
Accreditation: OVGU self accredition system
Career: Private, public international, or domestic companies, NGOs, HRM, bank, government, master's programs, ect.
Presentation: Which bachelor fits the best? An Overview of all 4 faculty bachelor programs: German  or    English


Check out too, our bachelor's program in B. Sc. International Management. Study in German and build up your English skills!

Last Modification: 22.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster